

Hi, I'm Elliot. I'm currently doing

Keep scrolling to see some of my previous work on the web.

Please feel free to contact me by sending an e-letter to vez at duck dot com, or on linkedin.


articles Exploring Spaces

A promo screenshot of the linked articles

2024 onwards - Let's explore some mathematical spaces!

research My 2023 Projects

A screenshot of the linked article

2023 - In 2023 I took a lot of time off of work to focus on mental and physical health and research. Here's the projects I worked on.

research Polytope

A screenshot of the Polytope prototype.

2022 onwards - A research project about combining text and visual programming.

article What is Dev Like at a Canadian Startup?

Images of devs looking at Computers and the word Opslock

2022 - An article I wrote about my previous workplace, Opslock.

presentation What if you could see qubits!? 👀

A screenshot of a slide of the presentation.

2021 - A talk from PIQUE's 1 year anniversary event.

web Qubit Playground Notebook

A screenshot of an Observable notebook.

2021 - An interactive article that lets you play around with the basics of Quantum Circuits.

web The Akita Project

A screenshot of the landing page of the Akita browser extension. A screenshot of the content of 'A Web Monetization Story'

2020 to 2021 - A project to help cultivate the open and inclusive online payments community with Sharon Wang. Received $20000 USD funding to work on this as a side project for a year.

web Epistemic Logic Playground

A screenshot of the epistemic logic playground.

2020 - My final project for non-classical logic. A playground for exploring modal epistemic logic.

web Joyride

A screenshot of the start of the joyride website A screenshot of the middle of the joyride website

2019 - Development and design in collaboration with Max Kurapov for Joyride.

web All of Her Business

A screenshot of the landing page of all of her business, which features a large picture of Jana Boyko

2019 - Development and design in collaboration with Max Kurapov for All of Her Business.

article Creative Travel

A watercolor painting of a globe with exageratedly-sized buildings on it The text 'or sit, pause, and listen to your surroundings' and 3 watercolor paintings: one of a montreal city street, one of a city skyline in the rain, and one of a park in the summer.

2019 - An interactive article. Development, design, and watercolor art in collaboration with Max Kurapov.

web 4Birds

A screenshot of the 4birds website landing page

2019 - Development for the 4Birds team at the European Innovation Academy in Lisbon, Portugal.

article Visualizing Process With ES6 Generators

A screenshot of Visualizing Process With ES6 Generators article

2018 - An interactive article. Learn how to use Javascript ES6 Generators creatively.

article Making the World From Scratch

A screenshot of the Making the World From Scratch article

2017 - An interactive article. Follow my process in creating a globe using Javascript.

other CAMP festival CAMPfire hologram

A photo of the CAMP festival venue, with people sitting facing a stage, and featuring the CAMPfire hologram installation in the middle of the room

2016 - An interactive fire installation featured at the center of the CAMP festival in Calgary, Alberta. I developed the hologram software. I used WebGL and the leap motion API. The flame grew as the audience made noise, and shrunk when a hand was above it.

game Apocalypse Chess Online

The Apocalypse Chess logo A screenshot of apocalypsechess.online

2015 to present - A web and android online-multiplayer chess variant.

game It's a Date Then

A screenshot of the It's a Date Then game featuring a cartoon Moai head and a crab, both holding umbrellas. This image contains the following text: 'emily move with a and s keys. paul move with k and l.' A screenshot of the It's a Date Then game featuring a cartoon Moai head and a crab. This image contains the following text: 'hey emily you don't look so bad yourself'

2018 - I made this web game and its code, art, and music in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 41 Game Jam.

game Subito! Torpedo

A screenshot of the Subito! Torpedo game featuring cartoon radar screen, and a mean man in the shadows saying: 'Commander, 5 enemies approaching!'. A screenshot of the Subito! Torpedo game featuring various upgrades which you can buy for your subarine.

2015 - A web game. Launch your torpedo! Buy upgrades to help you go the distance and ascend from the depths of the ocean.

Thank you for viewing my projects.